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Garden World Images is the home of quality plant photography.

Garden World Images is one of the world’s most respected horticultural image libraries, with an accurate botanical photographic tradition dating back to 1951. GWI prides itself on unique high-quality images, ensuring specialist content continues to maintain high editorial standards in publications and media use across the world.

GWI is at the cutting edge of new plant trends and lifestyle shots and submitted material must keep to this brief.

Different topics of horticulture and gardening are represented by images each with varied signature styles, led by careful editing.

Main Topics:

Plant Portraits - With Latin Names 
Action / How-to 
Fruit & Vegetables / Pests & Diseases 
Gardens- All types


We offer your images a digital showcase to industry-specific clients, worldwide. We work closely with our contributors and distributors to ensure that their work is created according to the demands of the marketplace. Our seamless workflow systems can ensure a speedy time to market for your images; providing the submission guidelines are adhered to.

GWI is actively looking for more photographers who have access to botanically correct plant collections and cultivated plant trials and gardens worldwide.

If you want to submit your images, please follow these steps:

  1. Register. When registering, select Photographer as your Company Type, this will allow us to identify you as a photographer and not a client. Registering with the correct details is very important and will allow us to manage our relationship efficiently.
  2. Browse the site. Have a good look around, the more you are familiar with us the better you will be able to shoot for us. There are plenty of features that allow you to search- e.g.- by most recent images added, or by specific photographers. Also check out our galleries!
  3. Submission Requirements. For your images to be accepted they must meet our submission guidelines. Please read these carefully and use the checklist to make sure your images meet these guidelines. See below for a brief outline of these guidelines. Adhering to and understanding these guidelines will give your images a better chance of success and maximum market exposure.
  4. Send us Images! - Initial submissions of 15 IMAGES MAX (before signing a contract) can be sent via e-mail via a transfer service to:
  5. Once admitted as a contributor, we will accept submissions via FTP only.

Please enclose a brief summary of yourself as a Photographer.

Thank you.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Ensure you are processing in a colour-calibrated environment.
  • Capture in-camera using the color profile: Adobe RGB (1998).
  • RAW-derived--->TIF archived (at 50MB)---> Supplied to us as: JPEG- Compression Level 12 (Color profile: Adobe RGB (1998)).
  • File size minimum: 3780 pixels @ 300ppi, flattened with no; paths, extra channels, or sample points.
  • Metadata (captions, keywords etc) should be embedded in the image file in IPTC/XMP.
  • Model and Property Releases should be obtained at time of capture. This is the photographer's responsibility.
  • Do not use Interpolation or Sharpening post RAW-processing. This will help us not only to assess your photographic ability but also the quality of your original digital files.
  • Cameras– We only accept files from high-end DSLR cameras or mirrorless digital cameras such as Canon, Nikon, Sony and Leica. The vast majority of medium format DSLR/backs (e.g.- Hasselblad) produce sufficiently high quality images to be accepted by us.
  • Scanned files – We only accept digital files from scanned film if they have been drum scanned by a professional scanning house or scanned using the approved desktop film scanners from the following list; Hasselblad/Imacon; X5, X1, 949, 848, 646, 343.
  • Images can be submitted using the following; Initial submission only - online transfer service, then by FTP once a signed contributor or by agreement via Hard Drive.

New contributors will need to send us a TEST selection with a minimum of 15 JPEG images via a transfer service via e-mail to: info (at) - remember to include a covering letter detailing you as a professional. This initial selection will be assessed for both technical and creative ability and suitability of the subject matter for our markets. You may find that browsing our website or viewing garden related editorials will help you decide whether or not your images will be successful.

Be aware that we are unable to process your submission unless you clearly detail it - with your; full name, telephone, country of residence and e-mail address.

Please note that we cannot return any images submitted. Please archive your original RAW files.

If your first submission is successful, then you will be supplied with our Contributor's Agreement- as signed by us. Please note that we expect to receive regular submissions from you to enable us to market your images to the fullest. 

Contributor's Agreement Overview

  • Images are licensed by default as Rights-Managed.
  • Images must be submitted as per the Submission Guidelines.
  • Contributors retain copyright and ownership of images.
  • Royalties are based on 50% for Rights-Managed images.
  • You appoint Garden World Images as your exclusive agency for garden/horticultural/botanical Rights-Managed images*
  • Minimum retention period of three years.
* For contributors who already have such image content with other agencies we may be able to negotiate a specific agreement, but in any case we require unique content. Please contact us for more details.



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